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About Nibrus Technologies

Nibrus Technologies, established in March 2019, is at the forefront of pioneering drone technology solutions in India. With a focus on providing cutting-edge and reliable drone products, Nibrus is dedicated to transforming industries and promoting the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. As the parent company of the Surveyaan brand, Nibrus offers innovative drone solutions, including Surveyaan v1, a surveying drone, and Surveyaan GeoWorkspace, photogrammetry software.

We've processed over 250k acres of data using our  software, providing precise insights for your projects. With more than 8k flights taken, our drones have soared high to capture the data you need efficiently and accurately. Nibrus Technologies boasts a team of highly knowledgeable and passionate individuals, committed to pushing the boundaries of aerial technology and making drone technology more accessible and affordable for a wide range of businesses and individuals across India.

Company Photo

About Nibrus Technologies

Nibrus Technologies, established in March 2019, is at the forefront of pioneering drone technology solutions in India. With a focus on providing cutting-edge and reliable drone products, Nibrus is dedicated to transforming industries and promoting the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. As the parent company of the Surveyaan brand, Nibrus offers innovative drone solutions, including Surveyaan v1, a surveying drone, and Surveyaan GeoWorkspace, photogrammetry software.

We've processed over 250k acres of data using our  software, providing precise insights for your projects. With more than 8k flights taken, our drones have soared high to capture the data you need efficiently and accurately. Nibrus Technologies boasts a team of highly knowledgeable and passionate individuals, committed to pushing the boundaries of aerial technology and making drone technology more accessible and affordable for a wide range of businesses and individuals across India.

Company photo

Our Values


We aim to make advanced drone technology accessible to every individual and organization, fostering progress, efficiency, and positive change across the nation.



We aspire to be the driving force behind a nationwide and global revolution, propelling India and the world to the forefront of Industry 4.0.

Our Values


We aim to make advanced drone technology accessible to every individual and organization, fostering progress, efficiency, and positive change across the nation.

Mission and Vision


We aspire to be the driving force behind a nationwide and global revolution, propelling India and the world to the forefront of Industry 4.0.

What Set Us Apart

                  India's Most Affordable Drone Service Ecosystem

                                    Incredible Support and Free Consutlancy

                         Top Notch Services        

What Set Us Apart

                            India's Most Affordable Drone Service Ecosystem                                                                       

                Incredible Support and Free Consultancy                                                                     

                                                                                                                Top Notch Services                                                                                                                                                                                                  

What Set Us Apart

                India's Most Affordable Drone Service Ecosystem

                Incredible Support and Free Consutlancy

                    Top Notch Services    

Meet The Founders

Founder 1

Abhishek Acharya

Co-Founder and Director
Founder 2

Amit Raushan

Co-Founder and Director
Founder 3

Shubham Baranwal

Co-Founder and Director

Meet The Founders

Founder 1

Abhishek Acharya

Co-Founder and Director
Founder 2

Amit Raushan

Co-Founder and Director
Founder 3

Shubam Baranwal

Co-Founder and Director

Meet The Founders

Founder 1

Abhishek Acharya

Co-Founder and Director
Founder 2

Amit Raushan

Co-Founder and Director
Founder 3

Shubam Baranwal

Co-Founder and Director