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General Land Survey

Surveyaan One helps in achieving fast and precise aerial surveys of prospective locations and also provides accurate and exhaustive data even from difficult to access locations.

Use Cases


Surveying is an important task and critical for the success of any infrastructure project. But surveying with traditional equipment take days and generate very few data points of land which leads to inaccuracies. Also data collected with Total Stations are difficult to visualize. Drones in this case has emerged as an effective tool and can do hundreds of hectares of survey in few hours. 
General Land Survey

Land Surveying

  • Site Investigation
  • High Resolution Outputs
  • Precise Measurements

Riverbed Survey

  • DTM/DSM Generation
  • LC Section Profile Generation
  • Risk Analysis Study 
Riverbed Survey

Note: All the outputs above are generated using our photogrammetry software Surveyaan GeoWorkspace.

General Land Survey

Land Surveying

    • Site investigation
    • High resolution outputs
    • Precise measurements
River Bed Survey

Riverbed Survey

    • DTM/DSM generation
    • LC section profile generation
    • Risk analysis study

Note: All the outputs above are generated using our photogrammetry software Surveyaan GeoWorkspace.